Debunking the Myth of Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Aggression

The myth that testosterone replacement therapy causes aggression and “roid rage” is a serious misconception that is not backed up by scientific evidence. The misuse of anabolic steroids, especially by unsupervised users, is responsible for this wide-spread myth about testosterone.  Anabolic steroid use involves the misuse of excessive amounts of synthetic testosterone to quickly boost athletic performance or radically affect muscle mass. Testosterone replacement therapy or TRT is a valid treatment for men who suffer with the consequences of low levels of testosterone, and while this treatment has become more and more popular due to its successes, this misconception of the link between TRT and aggression keeps many who could thrive from this treatment plan reluctant to give it a try.

When administered by trained health care professionals, like those at Androgenix, TRT can actually improve mood and restore a sense of well-being in those using TRT.  There is no need to worry about sudden outbursts of random rage or anger if you are receiving TRT under the care of a trained healthcare professional.  Aggression can be a part of many medical treatments, including TRT, when used incorrectly and without medical supervision.  All medical treatment plans of any nature should be under the supervision of trained specialists.

Even though both synthetic and bioidentical forms of testosterone affect the body in similar ways, there are some differences with synthetic forms.  Synthetic testosterone with its modified testosterone molecules must undergo an enzymatic process when entering the body which removes the molecules’ additional parts before the testosterone molecules become usable to the body. When bioidentical testosterone is synthesized in a medical lab from plant sources, like soy or yams, it is chemically engineered to have the exact chemical formula of testosterone that is produced by the body.

This “perfect copy” is important because many believe that any deviation from the original testosterone molecule, however slight, has the potential to change how it functions in the human body.  Bioidentical testosterone enters the body already bio-available, which is why many believe bioidentical medications to be more effective and better tolerated in the body.  However, many other people feel that synthetic and bioidentical testosterone work the same in the body.  There is no scientific evidence at this time that proves one is better than the other.  Any TRT should only be used under the supervision of trained medical specialists.

Are there risks to TRT?  Yes, if taken without the supervision of trained health care professionals, TRT can cause irritability and possibly raise blood pressure.  However, these risks are minimized with regulation and regular blood tests.  When properly administered, TRT does not cause uncontrolled anger and aggression.  Testosterone is not a static hormone which means that T levels fluctuate in men due to age, sexual activity, disease, and even emotions.   Because of these fluctuations, patients undergoing TRT will undergo regular exams and testing.  A trained health care professional will have a baseline for each patient since time was spent taking an in-depth personal history, compiling a physical examination, and studying results from blood tests before even starting a patient on a treatment plan using TRT.

The goal of TRT is to return testosterone levels to those of a man’s normal testosterone level.  The result of using TRT is an improved mood, more energy, a greater sense of well-being. Testosterone therapy can’t be compared to the misuse and unsupervised use of anabolic steroids.  Legitimate TRT is prescribed by a health care professional who has completed an extensive look at an individual’s blood work and physical exam results,  TRT is a prescribed program that is given in a dosage determined on an individual basis.

TRT is prescribed to boost mood, decrease depression, cure general irritability, decrease fatigue, and even helps get rid of unwanted anger.  Feeling better about how you look and feel and feeling better about your sexual performance, helps you feel better about your overall life and increases your confidence and sense of well-being.

The symptoms of low testosterone are serious and affect not only your outlook on life but can cause serious physical consequences.  Some of the symptoms of low testosterone are:

  • weakened bones and bone loss
  • facial and body hair loss
  • anxiety and depression
  • reduced muscle mass
  • loss of focus
  • irritability
  • an increase in body fat
  • infertility and reduced libido

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, then you should visit a healthcare professional who is trained in using TRT to see if you are a candidate for TRT.

How Androgenix Can Help

If you wonder whether testosterone therapy might be right for you, talk with our staff and doctor about the risks and benefits. If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms or have any other concerns about your health, please contact our office and make an appointment with our staff and visit our office to get complete blood work and a physical examination.  You will be monitored by our team for treatment effectiveness and side effects on a regular basis. The team at Androgenix are here to support you in your journey for a better, healthier you. Our staff of caring healthcare practitioners will help diagnose and develop an appropriate treatment plan for you.  Every person who enters our doors is treated as an individual deserving of care and respect.  We can help you feel and look better.  Give us a call today.




*Unless otherwise stated, individual results may vary depending on many factors not all patients “feel” or achieve the same results.