How our weight is affected by thyroid

A large ductless gland in the neck that secretes hormones regulating growth and development through the rate of metabolism. Its butterfly shape is found positioned low and in front of the neck, below the Adam’s apple along the front of the windpipe.

Through the natural relationship between weight and thyroid disease has very apparent functions in turn, effects on the body weight and metabolism. The thyroid hormone is used to regulate metabolism in humans and animals and is determined by measuring the amount of oxygen used by the body in a specific amount of time. When at rest, the activity of thyroid is measured as the basal metabolic rate or BMR, and was used to test the earliest needs to assess a patient’s thyroid hormone levels. When the thyroid does not function properly would have low BMRs and those who have overactive activity in the thyroid glands have high BMRs.

The activity in the thyroid glands are affected by the changes in energy balance. Energy balance reflects the difference between the amount of calories consumed and used by the body. Often the rise of BMR may be induced by the consumption of certain drugs like amphetamines and the negative energy resulting from that induces weight loss. The change in thyroid hormone levels that lead to a change in BMR that result to changes in energy balance and similar changes in body weight but this does not mean that there is a direct relationship between thyroid levels and body weight.

Thyroid hormones can also be used for weight loss – in fact, the excess hormone treatment can be more effective than dieting alone.


*Unless otherwise stated, individual results may vary depending on many factors not all patients “feel” or achieve the same results.