Navigating the Timeline of Transformation with HRT

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), commonly known as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and estrogen therapy (ET), works by transforming men and women with hormonal imbalances. The timeline of transformation with HRT is different for everyone, while many patients report improvements in hormonal health within the first three months of treatments.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT): Testosterone and Estrogen Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a form of hormone therapy that utilizes bioidentical hormones from plants. Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are chemically identical to those the body naturally produces. BHRT is a safe and effective option for individuals with hormonal imbalances in need of hormone therapy. Signs of hormonal imbalances include low mood, fatigue, low libido, trouble falling or staying asleep, and weight fluctuations. Bioidentical hormone therapy is beneficial for menopausal women or men with andropause (male menopause). The bioidentical hormones commonly used in BHRT treatments include testosterone and estrogen.

BHRT for Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone therapy, or TRT, is used to treat low testosterone levels in men, a condition known as male hypogonadism. Symptoms of testosterone deficiencies can cause men to experience fatigue, low libido, weight gain, decreased muscle mass, and poor focus. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be administered through injections, gels, or transdermal patches.

BHRT for Low Estrogen

Estrogen therapy is often recommended for women undergoing menopause. Estrogen treatments can help relieve menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and vaginal dryness. Hormone therapy treatments can also help prevent bone loss (osteoporosis) in women. Administration methods for estrogen therapy (ET) are commonly through gels, pills, transdermal patches, and topical creams.

Transformation Timelines with BHRT: What to Expect

The timeline of transformation with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) varies from person to person and is based on a range of factors. Factors contributing to BHRT’s effects include individual hormonal imbalances, age and health status, and how the body responds to the treatments. Let’s take a look at an overview of the general timeline for BHRT’s effects on men and women with hormone deficiencies.

BHRT Timeline for Women with Estrogen Deficiencies

For women, particularly those going through menopause, BHRT focuses on replacing or supplementing estrogen and progesterone levels. Replenishing estrogen levels helps to reduce symptoms associated with menopause and the risk of long-term health issues. In the first three months, women will start to notice improvements in symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. They might find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. One of the most noticeable improvements with estrogen therapy is boosting energy levels and well-being. The intermediate phase consists of the first three to six months, where female patients will experience noticeable changes and improvements in their hormonal health.

Increased estrogen levels can improve skin elasticity, strengthen the bones, and further regulate and improve mood. Some even report increased sexual desire and function during the intermediate phase. After six months, women can enjoy the full benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy. BHRT’s benefits for women include improved muscle mass and bone density, cardiovascular health, sexual function, brain health, and mood. During this time, medical professionals will continue to monitor and adjust hormone therapy treatments to maintain optimal estrogen levels.

BHRT Timeline for Men with Low T Levels

For men with low testosterone levels, BHRT focuses on replenishing testosterone levels to a normal range. Supplementing testosterone levels helps relieve symptoms associated with low testosterone or andropause. The most common symptoms of low T include reduced muscle mass, low mood, decreased stamina and fatigue, and sexual dysfunction. In the first three months of testosterone therapy, men experience increased energy levels, sexual desire and function, and mood improvements. While this is still the early stages of TRT, men report better sleep quality and an improved sense of self and well-being.

Within the next three to six months, more noticeable muscle mass and strength improvements, reduced body fat, and increased energy levels are reported. Men on TRT note improved focus, mental clarity, and higher libido levels. Following the first six months of testosterone therapy, men begin experiencing the full benefits of TRT. They report muscle mass maintenance, improved strength, cardiovascular health, and bone density. Alongside the physical benefits, they continue seeing improvements in cognitive function, overall mood, and well-being. Healthcare providers administering BHRT will continue monitoring testosterone levels to ensure they remain at a level that is both healthy and safe.

Maintaining Health and Wellness While on Hormone Therapy

While bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) improves areas of physical, mental, and emotional health, it is not a standalone treatment. Balancing your hormones requires a multifaceted approach, including lifestyle changes, diet, supplements, and physical activity. Incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine can significantly improve your mental, physical, and hormonal health. Exercising, whether cardio, weight training, or yoga, can assist with weight management, balancing mood, and increasing energy levels while on BHRT. It can also help manage stress levels alongside mindfulness techniques, breathing exercises, and meditation practices.

When integrating vitamins and supplements into your diet, consult your provider administering the hormone treatments before taking them. While vitamins and supplements can benefit health and wellness, some may interfere with your BHRT journey. Healthy lifestyle modifications often include sleeping 7-9 hours every night, eating a well-balanced diet, and caring for your emotional and mental wellness. Prioritizing your health and fitness while undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can facilitate your progress and journey to optimal hormonal health.


For bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in North Palm Beach, FL, reach out to Androgenix today! We’ll connect you with one of our health and wellness specialists and get you on the road to optimal hormonal health!







  • National Library of Medicine, 2011. Bioidentical Hormone Therapy.
  • Cleveland Clinic, 2022. Low Testosterone (Male Hypogonadism).
  • Cleveland Clinic, 2022. Estrogen: What It Does and 5 Benefits.
  • Health Central, 2020. The 4 Best Exercises for Hormonal Imbalance.

*Unless otherwise stated, individual results may vary depending on many factors not all patients “feel” or achieve the same results.