hormone replacement therapy

Hormone Replacement Weight Loss: Why It’s Harder With Age

hormone replacement for weight loss

What Are Hormones? Hormones are chemical messengers that are produced in the blood directly which carries tissues and organs of the body to apply their functions. There are numerous types of hormones that act on different facets of bodily functions and processes. Some of these includes: Food items or metabolism  Growth and development  Reproductive health, Hormone Replacement Weight Loss: Why It’s Harder With Age

Boost Your Sex Drive with Hormone Replacement Therapy

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Though unpleasant, low libido, or a low sex drive, is a pretty normal occurrence in both men and women. Low libido can affect your self-esteem, cause isolation, lead to poor communication in your relationships, and tank intimacy. Depending on factors like age, medication, mental health, and diseases, you can pinpoint exactly what’s hindering your sex Boost Your Sex Drive with Hormone Replacement Therapy