Understanding the Link Between Testosterone Levels, Getting Older, and Brain Health

Do you feel that you are becoming more forgetful as time passes?  Can’t remember where you put your car keys or the name of an acquaintance?  Well, these memory lapses happen to us all because our brains are crammed with the multitude of duties and responsibilities we need to keep up in this fast-paced busy world in which we live.  However, if these lapses are becoming more frequent and you sometimes feel like your brain is in a constant fog, then you might want to have your testosterone levels checked.  You might benefit from testosterone injections or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Jupiter, FL, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach or any of the areas we serve in Palm Beach County.

Testosterone is an androgen sex hormone that plays a vital role in the body beyond changes in the body during puberty, such as deepening of the voice and development of the penis and the testes.  Testosterone not only regulates sex drive and sperm production but is important for fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, red blood cell production, and mood.

Testosterone levels decrease as you age.  Testosterone levels start to naturally drop around the age of thirty.  Unfortunately, some men experience an unhealthy drop in this important hormone.  This is why it is important to have your testosterone levels checked regularly to see if you are a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.  Studies show that TRT can improve your memory and concentration while decreasing your sense of living in a brain fog.  Some of the many effects of low testosterone are:

  • Breast enlargement
  • Low sex drive
  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Low sperm count
  • Fertility issues
  • Bone weakness
  • Irritability or difficulty concentrating
  • Hair loss
  • Depression
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes

Testosterone is also being linked  to general brain health and cognitive brain function.  Since both testosterone levels and cognitive brain functions decline with age, studies are being done to see if there is a link between testosterone loss and cognitive decline and possibly even a link between dementia or the onset on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and testosterone loss.  Results from both cell cultures and animal studies are providing startling evidence that the association between brain health and testosterone loss is age related.  Luckily, with testosterone replacement, these effects can be lessened or disappear altogether. These changes in the brain do not have to be age related.

According to preliminary research, testosterone loss may be a risk factor for both cognitive decline and dementia.   Evidence appears to support that testosterone can have protective effects on an aging brain’s ability to function well.  Higher testosterone levels can be maintained through supplementation.  Testosterone therapy can provide a protective element for brain function.  Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a brain pathology that affects cognitive function, and unfortunately; the prevalence of AD increases with age.  Studies show that testosterone levels are lower in AD cases.

The male brain is dependent on certain levels of testosterone for healthy function.  Low testosterone may result in increased neurodegeneration and decline in brain function because the frontal lobe of the male brain has many receptors for testosterone.  When these receptors aren’t supplied with adequate supplies of this vital hormone, the brain can suffer a loss of cognitive function, memory problems, depression, lack of motivation, and, worst of all; progressive signs of dementia symptoms.

Using control groups, scientists have found that men with AD and dementia symptoms have lower levels of testosterone.  They have found that lower testosterone levels have actually increased the secretion of beta amyloid proteins.  This type of protein secretions is a hallmark of AD.   The brain neuro transmitter acetylcholine which is called the “learning and memory transmitter” depends on adequate testosterone.  Without adequate levels of testosterone, this neurotransmitter can’t be produced in healthy levels.  Testosterone also effects the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that protects the brain from Parkinson’s disease.  This means that low testosterone may increase the risk of getting Parkinson’s disease.

Another reason low testosterone levels have such an impact on cognitive function is because testosterone is linked to the regulation of cortisol.  Cortisol, frequently called the stress hormone, in high levels can negatively affect how your brain functions.  Cortisol is triggered by a “fight or flight” response to situations and so can cause feelings of intense stress.  Chronically high levels of cortisol can make it difficult for your brain to function which then causes difficulty with memory, mental clarity, and concentration.

When considering testosterone replacement therapy, bio-identical replacement therapy is probably the best and safest way to go.  Testosterone creams can raise the testosterone levels too high, and then the excess testosterone is stored in body fat which disrupts the communication between the brain and the hormone glands.  This can cause a disruption in the testosterone receptors which causes a disruption in metabolic balance because the testosterone can’t get into the cells.  Testosterone replacement therapy may improve quality of life, especially for those individuals already suffering from decreased brain function.  However, it is important before starting TRT to address diet and life style choices because your diet and life style choices strongly impact testosterone production.

Androgenix Can Help

If you wonder whether testosterone therapy might be right for you, talk with our staff and doctor about the risks and benefits. If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms or have any other concerns about your health, please contact our office and make an appointment with our staff to visit our office for a consult.  If you choose HRT, you will be given a complete physical examination and have blood work done. Our staff of caring healthcare practitioners will help, not only, diagnose and develop an appropriate treatment plan for you, but we will monitor your  treatment for safety and effectiveness on a regular basis.  Androgenix is here to support you in your journey for a better, healthier you.  Every person who enters our doors is treated as an individual deserving of care and respect.  We can help you feel and look better.  Give us a call today.





*Unless otherwise stated, individual results may vary depending on many factors not all patients “feel” or achieve the same results.