What Impact Do Elevated Estrogen Levels Have on Men?

Do men need estrogen?

While most people think of estrogen as the “female” hormone and testosterone as the “male” hormone, both testosterone and estrogen are needed for male and female bodies to function properly.  Higher levels of testosterone are found in men and higher levels of estrogen are found in women and even though estrogen is considered the “female hormone,” all males are born with low levels of estrogen in their bodies which they will need throughout their lives.  Testosterone is the most important hormone for sexual development and performance in men, but testosterone needs a balance of estrogen for adequate sex drive, sperm production, and erections.  A particular form of estrogen known as estradiol is particularly important for men because it is needed for a good sperm count, to balance sex drive, and to have and maintain an erection.  Testosterone naturally decreases as men age; however, estrogen levels increase with age.  This only becomes a problem if estrogen levels remain abnormally high.  An excessive hormone imbalance can become a risk factor for some men who will be prone to develop diabetes and/or certain forms of cancer.

What are the symptoms of elevated estrogen levels in men?

When estrogen and testosterone levels are not properly balanced, problems arise.  The major symptoms of what may be higher than normal estrogen levels are in men who are no longer in puberty are:

  • signs of possible infertility. Your body needs estrogen to produce sperm, but high estrogen levels actually slow down sperm production making it more difficult for your body to produce healthy sperm.
  • signs of gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition when breast fat tissue increases beyond the normal rate and becomes obviously noticeable to the naked eye.  Increased estrogen can cause this abnormal development of fatty breast tissue.
  • problems with erectile dysfunction. When the balance of testosterone and estrogen are off, the increase in estrogen levels makes it difficult to get and maintain an erection.  Men who suffer from low testosterone while at the same time having overly elevated levels of estrogen in their bodies are especially prone to this problem.

Some of the other symptoms of abnormally high estrogen are similar to symptoms of low testosterone and nutrient deficiencies.  They include the following:

  • an inability to focus.
  • feeling hot or hot flashes.
  • loss of bone density or osteoporosis.
  • a reduced sex drive.
  • feelings of exhaustion.
  • a loss of body hair.
  • shrinking of muscle mass.

Because many of these symptoms can be caused by a variety of conditions,  it is important to visit trained health care professionals who can collect vital personal information about life style and background, give a complete physical examination and collect blood samples to submit to a laboratory for testing.  They will then be able to go over the results and provide information about recommended plans of action.

What are some of the causes of high estrogen levels in men?

As some men age, they produce higher levels of estrogen than other men.  Higher estrogen levels can be a factor that has been genetically passed through DNA; in other words, it’s genetic.  Certain antibiotics, or herbs, such as gingko and ginseng, and mental health medicines like phenothiazines that can raise a man’s estrogen levels beyond normal ranges.  Elevated estrogen levels can also be caused by certain health conditions like:

  • suffering with stress.
  • suffering with obesity or carrying extra body weight.
  • suffering with some liver related diseases.
  • suffering with certain types of tumors.
  • suffering from hypogonadism.
  • drinking too much alcohol.

What can be done to balance estrogen levels in men?

There are things that can be done without medicine to help balance hormone levels.  Dietary changes can help lower estrogen.  Avoid  meat products which contain large amounts of synthetic estrogen. The meat production industry is releasing more and more products that state the animals used have not been given synthetic hormones to promote growth.  A diet should be low in fat and high in dietary fiber.  Certain foods are recommended for controlling estrogen levels like:

  • red grapes which have natural estrogen blockers like proanthocyanin and resveratrol which are considered to be offense and defense molecules that promote good health.
  • sesame seeds, flax seeds and whole grains like oats, rice, and corn which have a micronutrient polyphenol, an abundant antioxidant.
  • green teas which also contain polyphenol.
  • shiitake and portobello mushrooms which naturally reduce aromatase which promotes estrogen production.
  • pomegranates because they are high in phytochemicals which block estrogen production.
  • cruciferous vegetable, like broccoli or kale, which also contain phytochemicals.

Lifestyle changes are also vital if you are serious about, not only controlling estrogen production, but are serious about living healthy. Try to relieve the stress in your life.  Reducing the production of stress hormones will reduce the over-production of estrogen.  Limit or eliminate alcohol intake which helps reduce sugar levels in the body which aid estrogen production.  Cutting down on alcohol helps your liver process the estrogen it does make.  Decrease the percentage of body fat in relationship to the percentage of the body’s muscle mass by exercising regularly.  Before you start any new exercise regimen, be sure to get a physical to avoid any cardiac problems. Then with your health care professional make a plan for working out 15 to 30 minutes a day increasing the time as you become more fit.  Be creative and put variety in your exercise plan by alternating cardio exercise with strength training.  Because outdoor exercise isn’t always possible due to weather conditions, join a gym where you feel comfortable and where there are people who are trained to help you.

Try not to use plastic containers or plastic wraps for food storage because the plastics can be absorbed by your foods,   Also, learn to read the ingredients in your body wash and shampoo as some are made with parabens that contain estrogen.

While some of this may seem overwhelming, it’s really not, especially when you have trained healthcare professionals to help encourage and support you on your path to healthy living.

Are there risks to living with an imbalance of estrogen?

Living with elevated levels of estrogen in the body increases the risk of growing large male breasts, of becoming diabetic, of having a stroke, and of getting certain cancers like prostate cancer and breast cancer.  Also, living life tired and unfocused while gaining weight and losing muscle mass is no way to live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.  If you have any doubts that you are suffering from elevated estrogen levels, contact a trained healthcare professional like the ones at Androgenix.

How can Androgenix help?

If you want to live your best life, the medical practitioners at Androgenix are here to help. If you have any questions about whether or not your estrogen levels are imbalanced or any other questions about your health, please contact our office and make an appointment for an examination and blood work-up. Our staff of caring healthcare practitioners are here to answer your questions and develop an appropriate treatment plan for you.  You will be monitored by our team for treatment effectiveness and side effects of any recommended treatment on a regular basis.   Our team at Androgenix is always here to support your journey to a better, healthier, and happier you.








*Unless otherwise stated, individual results may vary depending on many factors not all patients “feel” or achieve the same results.