How Long Does A Testosterone Shot Last? What You Need to Know

Let’s face it, getting everything done in a daily routine takes a lot of effort. For every item on your to-do list, there is a corresponding prep-and-execute list. This makes taking things off your to-do list and living a worry-free life a forever dream.

Well, almost all of that is true. Taking care of your health and taking health-related items off your to-do list means less stress and more enjoyment. Therefore, take some items off your list by finding health-related solutions that last for weeks, not just one day. For example, if you struggle with low testosterone levels, getting the best testosterone shots will fix that problem for weeks on end. This means that you won’t need to administer testosterone shots to yourself daily, thus giving you more time to truly just live your life. 

How long does a testosterone shot last? What are the metabolic processes involved in receiving testosterone shots? Also, what is low testosterone, and what causes it? Read on to find answers to these questions and many more.

What is Low Testosterone?

To understand what low testosterone is, you should first make sure that you have a good understanding of what testosterone is in the first place. Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women. It is even found in animals. Most people associate testosterone with men, though. This is because testosterone is the hormone associated with the male sex organs. Therefore, low testosterone equates to low male sex hormone levels. 

Although the female body also makes testosterone, it does so at much smaller levels to function properly. Similarly, the male body also makes the hormone associated with the female sex organs known as estrogen, just at much lower levels to function properly. 

Because the male sex organs produce testosterone at such high levels to function, especially post-puberty, suffering from low testosterone levels affect the health and function of a man’s sex organs. As a result, men that suffer from low testosterone levels often experience low sex drive and sperm levels. 

Low testosterone levels can also negatively affect a man’s bone and muscle mass, the way a man stores fat in his body, and even a man’s red blood cell production. Thus, suffering from low testosterone (low-T) is an issue that should be addressed immediately. 

What Causes Low-T?

Testosterone levels in a male naturally increase greatly after he hits puberty and then naturally decrease after age 30 by about 1% each year. Therefore, to some extent, aging can cause a man to have lower testosterone levels. 

When a man suffers from abnormally low testosterone levels though, it can be due to a number of reasons. For example, trauma or injury to the sex organs may cause a man to experience abnormally low testosterone levels. Infection of the testes can also cause a man to suffer from low-T. 

Other possible causes of low-T include dysfunction tumors of the pituitary gland, metabolic disorders, the use of chemotherapy and certain hormones due to cancer treatment, certain steroids or opioids, excessive alcohol abuse, certain acute illnesses, chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, certain inflammatory conditions, kidney failure, and even cirrhosis of the liver. 

Health issues such as obesity or extreme weight loss along with type 2 diabetes, obsessive sleep apnea, too much estrogen, hypothyroidism, delayed puberty, and too much exposure to radiation can also negatively impact a person’s testosterone levels. 

Primary hypothyroidism, obstructive sleep apnea, or abnormal development of the hypothalamus can also cause low-T in men. Males that were born with Klinefelter syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes males to be born with an XXY chromosome combination, also tend to suffer from low testosterone levels. 

Types of Testosterone

This list covers the most common forms of testosterone used in hormone replacement therapy (with a quick primer on production). We’ll include information about the different testosterone compounds used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT). We’ll also go over bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) and the processes within it that are different from traditional HRT.


Testosterone cypionate lasts longer than other ester compounds. The lengthy half-life of testosterone cypionate owes to the octo-carbon bond. The effects of testosterone cypionate hit harder and last longer. That’s why it gives the most immediate and highest testosterone injection results.

The cypionate compound stays in fatty tissue, which is a reason for direct intramuscular injection. When receiving a cypionate testosterone injection, you see effects within 2 days. After around 12 days, the effects level off and persist in the system for upwards of 21 days. 

It takes 44 total days for cypionate testosterone to leave the system. So, the cypionate testosterone half-life would be 22 days.  

During a testosterone treatment regimen, cypionate gets administered roughly every 8-10 days. This and the fact that it takes cypionate the least amount of time and effort to maintain proper testosterone levels make it the most popular testosterone treatment option.


Testosterone propionate lasts the shortest of ester compounds. The total lifespan of propionate persists a maximum of 72 hours. Testosterone, like estrogen compounds, absorbs poorly and metabolizes quickly. Thus, propionate leaves the system entirely by day 16.

The short duration of time that propionate stays in the bodily system makes it time-consuming. Thus, it is the most work-intensive ester compound for testosterone treatment regimens. Propionate testosterone injections need to be received daily to maintain proper testosterone levels and drop-offs that occur in as little as 2 days after stopping.

Propionate compounds are used by bodybuilders or athletes. It has a discernable effect in building muscle mass. It also leaves the system fast enough to avoid doping test issues.


Testosterone enanthate works as a middle ground testosterone ester compound between cypionate and propionate. Effects of testosterone enanthate hit between 24 and 48 hours, like cypionate. The duration of the enanthate testosterone lasts 4 days at its peak and 10 days in total.

You need to inject enanthate testosterone every 3 days, maximum, to maintain consistent testosterone levels. Enanthate testosterone compounds stay detectable in the system for 22 days.


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) isn’t as easy to understand as artificial esters. The tests for anabolic steroids, of which all the previous esters qualify, look for the ester bonds. With BHRT, the hormones in question have identical markers so they don’t come across in tests.

To find the duration of BHRT, you need to test for a baseline hormone level and then for when that baseline returns. When undergoing BHRT as part of a hormone optimization plan, hormone levels get tested frequently in saliva or blood tartrate tests.

BHRT hits less hard. As a process it is about steady function, not peak performance. Typically, testosterone injections take place every two weeks. BHRT provides double the duration of the cypionate ester.

BHRT also has the benefit of being indiscernible from natural testosterone production. This best testosterone injection keeps hormone levels in the upper range of normal to benefit you. You don’t need to suffer from hypogonadism to see a drop off in testosterone production.

Testing for Low Testosterone Levels  

To test a person for low testosterone levels, a physician will measure the amount of testosterone within that person’s blood through a blood test. Since testosterone levels tend to be highest in the morning, many physicians like to test for low testosterone levels early in the day. 

Low-Level Testosterone Treatment

There are different ways to treat low testosterone levels. For example, one way to treat low testosterone levels is through hormone replacement therapy (HRT). 

HRT for Patients with Testosterone Deficiency

Hormone replacement therapy is when a person receives artificial testosterone to help replenish his or her testosterone to a normal level. 

Men can receive hormone replacement therapy for testosterone deficiency in a few different ways. For example, men can receive HRT orally, through injections, or through gels or patches applied to the skin. 

So, back to the question, how long does a testosterone shot last? The answer is 2-3 weeks. This is much longer than the length of time any other form of testosterone therapy lasts. In fact, men that receive HRT orally or through patches or gels placed on their limbs must do so on a day-to-day basis. This means that testosterone shots provide men that suffer from testosterone deficiency with a solution to their health issues that last long enough for them to enjoy their lives.

Best Testosterone Durations: What is the Timeline for Testosterone Injections to Work?

To understand the duration of a testosterone injection, you need to understand what type of testosterone is in use. Typically, the answer to the question, “How long does testosterone stay in your system?” comes down to the ester type. This also means that the answer to the question, what is the timeline for testosterone injections to work?  comes down to the ester type. 

Esters are the bonding chemicals that allow artificial testosterone to work with your system. Each of the various esters has a different half-life. Chemically, esters form OH (hydroxyls) and -O- (alkoxy groups). Ultimately though, it takes around 3-6 months for testosterone treatment to truly work and have long-lasting effects. 

How Long After Injection Does Testosterone Peak?

The testosterone levels of men that receive testosterone shots peak 2 to 3 days after receiving the injections. From that point on, the testosterone levels gradually decrease until it’s time to receive another injection of testosterone. 

The overall improvement of one’s testosterone levels, though, gradually increases as more and more injections are given. Again, it takes around 3-6 months of receiving testosterone shots every few weeks for the testosterone replacement therapy to significantly work.

How Often Should I Inject Testosterone?

Men should receive testosterone shots based on how long they last, but how long does a testosterone shot last? Well, most testosterone injections last around a couple of weeks. Therefore, a man receiving testosterone injections should receive them every 2 to 3 weeks.

How Many Times a Month Do You Take Testosterone Shots?

Since men receive testosterone injections every 2-3 weeks, they usually receive them one to two times a month. 

How Long Do the Effects of Testosterone Injections Last?

The length of time by which the effects of testosterone injections last vary. This is partly because the time in which the different effects of testosterone injections kick in varies. For example, within just a few days of receiving testosterone shots, a man’s insulin sensitivity will have improved.

How Long Do the Effects of Testosterone Injections Last in Weeks

A few weeks after receiving testosterone shots, a man’s sex drive will have increased. His morning erections will also occur more frequently. 

Also, a few weeks after receiving testosterone injections, a man’s anxiety will reduce and his mood will improve. Finally, somewhere between 3 to 12 weeks after receiving testosterone injections, any inflammation that a man has in his body will reduce. These positive effects will continue to last long-term. 

How Long Do the Effects of Testosterone Injections Last in Months

Approximately a month after receiving testosterone injections a man will have an improved lipid profile. Around this time a man will also be able to experience more erections. Then, after around 6 weeks of receiving testosterone shots, a man’s mood will even improve. All of these effects will last long-term.

After 3 months of receiving testosterone shots, men experience better glycemic control, improved formation of red blood cells, increased physical capability in terms of exercise, decreased cholesterol levels, and a leaner body mass with less fat and more muscle. After 6 months of receiving testosterone shots, men experience increased bone density. 

Eventually, after a full year of receiving testosterone shots, prostate-specific antigen and volume rise. Thus, after about a full year of receiving testosterone shots, the positive effects that have come from the injections over the course of that year are more likely to stay long-term. 

Now that you understand the timeline of when the effects of your testosterone shots will work and you have an answer to the question of how long does a testosterone shot last, we’ll cover the differences between testosterone shot drop-off symptoms and withdrawal. That way you’ll know what to expect when going through a testosterone replacement process.

Signs of Testosterone Drop Off (Natural)

Drop-offs in testosterone occur after the age of 20 and accelerate after age 40. Worse, by 40, testosterone levels are half of what they were at 20. This is one of the reasons why testosterone level testing has become important to men’s health in the last decade.

Low testosterone (Low-T) diagnoses have risen from better testing methods. They have also risen from awareness of the underlying bodily processes that are causing the low testosterone levels.

Testosterone controls a lot of systems for men (and some for women, mostly from adrenal production). Long-term health concerns from lack of muscle mass and bone density have made monitoring testosterone levels important. This is especially true since fat metabolization and usage are keys to avoiding diabetes and heart disease.

Additional Signs of Testosterone Drop-Off

Issues with mood and depression are also affected by testosterone levels. This is because low-T leads to a lower quality of life as physicality drops off and mood deteriorates. Each of these problems alone is a cause for concern. When put together though, they form a brutal loop for men. 

The lack of physicality increases as the desire to stay active declines. This means that once a man’s physicality tapers off, the ability to stay active in important life activities like work and home also fades. This, in turn, increases the mood drop-off that often occurs as a result of low-T, while also complicating efforts to alleviate the problem.

Normal drop-offs in testosterone levels due to age come gradually. This gives men plenty of time to adjust to the changes and keep going. Therefore, to a certain extent, it is perfectly fine to lose testosterone production as one ages.

Life has stages and they are necessary. It is when the drop-offs in testosterone levels occur suddenly that problem spirals occur.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) regimen will help restore testosterone levels to a healthy baseline. A baseline doesn’t always feel great, but it is normal. Thus, maintaining baseline testosterone levels prevents problems.

Reputable BHRT centers carefully monitor testosterone levels and do frequent testosterone level testing. So, what do such BHRT centers find while doing testosterone level testing? What isn’t normal and what are the signs of withdrawal? Learn the answers to these questions by continuing to read this article. 

Signs of Withdrawal

Unlike normal testosterone level drop-offs, testosterone withdrawal occurs when bodily systems become damaged from improper treatment. People have a tendency to associate withdrawal with addiction. But the World Health Organization (WHO) defines withdrawal differently.

Using artificial ester compounds for purposes of building mass often leads to testosterone withdrawal. This is because testosterone production from this goes outside of the normal range. 

You can look at any super jacked body and know the answer to the question, do testosterone injections work? The answer is yes. The problem is, testosterone injections work too well. Once the body detects that too much testosterone is in its system, it stops making its own testosterone. This process occurs through a combination of organs.

The pituitary gland and penial gland both stimulate testosterone production in the adrenal and the testes. Human growth hormone both stimulates and regulates some of this testosterone production. 

When the liver finds itself making a lot of enzymes to break down excess testosterone, it tells the brain. Once the brain knows that too much testosterone is present, it shuts down the testes first and the adrenals second. On top of that, the penial gland can be damaged from excess testosterone. This is why you see ex-dopers in the condition they are in. 

The lack of testosterone production then in the now shriveled testes leaves them shrinking and frail from bone mineral density. The frequent mood swings and instability of men with low-T levels come from the damaged penial and overall lack of testosterone.

Proper HRT avoids testosterone withdrawal because the systems remain undamaged. This is also a reason to work with a doctor in maintaining an HRT treatment program. Testosterone supplements and injections found online might seem worry-free, however, they are anything but.

Get Fit

Now you have the essential information to understand what makes the best testosterone injection. You also have enough information on the effects of testosterone shots along with the answer to the question, “how long does a testosterone shot last.” 

If you or someone you know is looking to receive testosterone injections, or shots, don’t go it alone, find a treatment center that will work with you to achieve your best health. Looking for more information on testosterone and other hormonal health? We have a blog just for that.

How Androgenix Can Help You

Androgenix is a health and wellness center that specializes in hormone optimization and preventative medicine. As a health and wellness center that specializes in these areas, we are experts when it comes to hormone replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, especially when it comes to the replacement or replenishing of the male sex hormone, testosterone. This means that we know exactly how long a testosterone shot lasts and how to make the effects of a testosterone shot last longer. 

If you want to learn more information about how long a testosterone shot lasts, or just about testosterone shots in general, contact us. You should also reach out to us if you are looking to receive testosterone shots or injections for whatever reason. 

Some of the other services that we offer here at Androgenix include hormone replacement therapy for estrogen, thyroid hormone replacement therapy, progesterone hormone replacement therapy, melatonin supplement therapy, and treatment of DHEA levels through supplements. 

Here at Androgenix solutions, we also offer nutritional services in the form of injections of vitamins and amino acids. To help individuals get healthy and well, we even offer a weight loss program. 

To learn more about Androgenix, our services, and how we can help you receive testosterone injections that can improve both your sex life and your overall health, contact us today.

*Unless otherwise stated, individual results may vary depending on many factors not all patients “feel” or achieve the same results.